CAS No. Products Molecular Formula Inquiry
637-44-5 Phenyl Propiolic Acid C9H6O2 inquiry
94-47-3 Phenyl Ethyl Benzoate C15H14O2 inquiry
68610-51-5 Phenol,4-Methyl-,Reaction Products With Dicyclopentadiene And Isobutylene 68610-51-5 inquiry
92-43-3 Phenidon-A;1-Pheny1-3-Pyrazolidone C9H10N2O inquiry
622-24-2 Phenethyl Chloride C8H9Cl inquiry
84-11-7 Phenanthrenequinone C14H8O2 inquiry
85-01-8 Phenanthrene C14H10 inquiry
7205-80-3 P-Ethylsulfonylchlorobenzene C8H9ClO2S inquiry
68153-38-8 Perilla oil C4H10O3 inquiry
65605-70-1 Perfluoroalkylethyl acrylate C9H7F9O2.(C2F4)n inquiry
700-12-9 Penta-Methyl Benzene C11H16 inquiry
602-94-8 Pentafluorobenzoic Acid  C7HF5O2 inquiry
622-61-7 P-Chlorophenetole C8H9ClO inquiry
790-41-0 P-Chlorobenzoic Anhydride C14H8Cl2O3 inquiry
623-12-1 P-Chloroanisole C7H7ClO inquiry
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